Saturday, 1 July 2017


So I just finished reading 'The Life and Times of Bimbo Odukoya' written by Pastor Taiwo Odukoya and I just thought it wise to share the courtship tips on respect with my own little comment in italics;

1. Do not let the relationship move too fast in its infancy- the phrase 'not too hot, not too cool' has validity.
Personally, I don't understand his definition of 'too fast' but often times, we meet people and somehow it seems we have known them all our lives and you just like that the friendship progresses to another level

2. Do not discuss your personal inadequacies and flaws in great detail when the relationship is new.
This is one aspect of his tips that I keep failing come tomorrow because personally when asked who I am you only get to hear of my flaws from me and if its something you think you can deal with or help me work on then I will totally appreciate if not then farewell is inorder. 

3.Remember that respect precedes love, build it stone by stone.
I can NEVER fault this tip. Respect is key!!! It helps curtail a lot of misunderstandings in the nearest future. It should also not be one sided as I believe Respect is Reciprocal.

4. Don't call too often or give the other person an opportunity to get tired of you.
In as much as I agree to a reasonable extent, I also believe Communication is key to every relationship. To me, there is nothing like too much call as most times the recipient might even be preoccupied to receive the call and in such scenario, a text will suffice. There is nothing as refreshing, sexy and encouraging as getting a message from your partner letting you in on his or her itinerary every day. It also gets to show that despite his or her busy schedule you are in his or her 'thought-process' lol!!

5. Don't be too quick to reveal your desire to get married.
Like my friends will always say 'Marriage is not for everybody' so first settle with your creator if it's for you, it will definitely come..'Delay is not denial' as God's time is the best. Be calm in order not to rush out the way you rushed in. Above all such 'quick revelation might scare the other person away from you.

6. Relationships are constantly being tested by cautious lovers who like to nibble at the bait before swallowing the hook.
Hmmmm! I don't even like all these 'tests' just kuku purchase 'the bait' wholesale and you can 'nibble' away 

7. Do not expect anyone to meet all your emotional needs.
YES, I TOTALLY AGREE!!! We need to learn to be our number one cheerleader likewise take control of our emotions, needs to a reasonable extent. You can't always rely on another person, many have done that and have come back crushed and if you think I am lying ask Adele.

8. Guard against selfishness in your love affair; neither the woman nor the man should do all the giving.
There is love in sharing which includes the responsibilities, showing love and affections etc Generally this life is 'a give and take something' Do not expect to receive from the other person when you have not given anything.

9. Beware of blindness to obvious warning signs that tell you that your potential spouse is basically disloyal, hateful, spiritually uncommitted, selfish etc
If you are like me, you will see everything as a sign from not calling, not replying messages or not even returning them (well these might not be seen as being disloyal to some people but if you are loyal to what you have with someone, you should be able to keep them abreast of everything) To me it is a big deal. 

10. Don't marry the person you think you can live with, marry only the individual you think you can't live without.
So true...One you are inadequate without him or her.


Friday, 9 June 2017


Someone once said 'we would worry less if we praised more. thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction'
Are you like me that have been worried about a thousand and one things lately?
Do you feel that you cannot make it on your own? Well of cos you can't.
That is why you have to let go and let God pilot your affairs.
The Lord is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation; This is my God, and I will praise him...Exodus 15:2

Let us worry less and praise God more!!! what ever troubles weighing you down are featherweight compared to the glory yet to come. That is why come this sunday 

We waited for it!!! Now it's finally upon us... On Sunday @officialgoodguy and I would be Licensed to Praise!!! #License2Praise..
June11th 2017
3, Oladunni street by walter siffre street (Glory Estate)  Ifako Gbagada Lagos.

is #compere #comic  #comicemperor #internationalweddinghost #princeofyarns #kingofflows #kingdomhypeman
#Dare2standout #niche #brand #staystrong #focus #christinme #easyflow  #superstarcomedian #dj #shure #mic #mc #emcee #weddinghost #radio #tv #comedian 
You really don't want to miss this!!!

Monday, 29 May 2017


 Often times if I am asked what I hate, you will hear me mention other things but recently I just discovered that my hatred for lies knows no bound especially when it is coming from a friend or someone I could literally vouch for.

I am not saying I have never lied before. In fact I lie every day I am on my feet in court but that is because necessity has been laid upon me to defend my clients diligently and oh! Lawyers are not liars’ 😄😄😄 well “a man is never more truthful than when he acknowledges himself a liar.”

Anyways fast forward to last month I found out that someone I literally told my friend I could vouch for him has been lying to me. Like you know when someone has been serving you white lies and you have been eating it just to quench that voracious appetite. The day I found out I was shocked and for the first time I confronted the person. I mean how one could be so callous to the extent of serving such lies without even pitying the recipient. 
For weeks I couldn't help but rant and that did not help matters because I found out that it consumed me more. I remembered a friend once told me to forgive but you will also agree with me that as much as it is easier to forgive, forgetting on the other hand is not such an easy thing to day. Till today I have never spoken to that person again even though I might be forced to do so sooner or later.

I know people lie to avoid looking stupid, incompetent or the fear of someone getting upset with them but why not ask yourself these questions before you embark on that journey
a.       Is it worth it?
b.      What impact will it have on the recipient if the truth finally comes out?
It actually takes a lot more effort to lie than to tell the truth.
Lying doesn’t save your sanity
Lying makes people distrust you
A lie taxes your brain and causes a lot of stress and discomfort
I know you will say sometimes ‘Honesty is not the best policy’, even SIMI prefers to be lied to if the truth will break her heart but this is me telling you to tell me the truth as I don’t mind leaving with my shattered heart in my hands and above all God hates lies and loves the truth.


Friday, 19 May 2017


So my birthday was last month and my friends decided to place me on hot seat. The only question on every one's lips was OH WHY DID YOU ABANDON YOUR BLOG?

How do I explain to them why i stopped writing when I can't even explain it to myself.
Anyways this is me saying thank you to all those that reached out to me and hope not to disappoint you all in the nearest future.